Risks of Hiring Illegal Helper
Although cases of illegal domestic worker were not rampant due to the strict enforcement, however, please be reminded that hiring illegal domestic workers can greatly increase your liability if they are injured on the job, the risk of legal punishment and penalty. Below are some of the risks of hiring illegal domestic worker:
1. Undocumented domestic helpers are considered high risk workers as they do not undergo medical screening including the compulsory psychological evaluation, this may lead to a potential risk of undiscovered infectious disease.
2. Employer who harbours or hire undocumented maids without valid permits or documents, can face severe punishment, including fines of up to RM50,000 and jail time of up to 5 years.
3. Illegal domestic maid may not have the necessary skills to fulfil your household need. Most of them did not undergo the mandatory 200 hours of training stipulated by the Indonesian government so they can work immediately instead of being at recruiting centres for a few months.
4. Undocumented domestic maids are disqualified from medical insurance coverage or other worker's compensation. In this case, employer has to bear the risk of safety and legal issue as you are unable to claim any medical expenses or loss from work injury or other circumstances.
5. Besides that, employer is unable to take legal action or police support in the case of maid's disappearance or abscond. Hire from a reliable maid agency can avoid this issue, agencies have a good policy on absconding maids and will take the matter into discussion rather than ignore the situation.
To avoid loss of coverage and potential legal action, it is important that you seek for professional agency to recruit a domestic maid following the local regulations.
Agensi Pekerjaan Hatiwaja Sdn Bhd is a professional licensed maid agency, approved by the Department of Labour of Peninsular Malaysia (Jabatan Tenaga Kerja) (license no. JTKSM195). Since 2009, we have served more than 1,800 Malaysia families. We always strive to do our best to assist customers with a professional attitude. Please contact us for our free consultation.